The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Timing Is Everything

Two quick funny stories about coincidence in timing This weekend we were out at lunch. I was feeding the baby cheese and turkey from a sandwich. The menu made a big deal out of the cheese and bread being organic. I told the baby "This is organic cheese, honey. That means it's made by hippies." My son, who isn't even a year, right on cue stuck out his tongue until the cheese fell out of his mouth and went "baaah!" He did finish it later though. I ordered something from Amazon last night. This morning while working from home, I got an email that my order had shipped. As I clicked the email window closed, my dog went nuts, I glanced up - the UPS truck had pulled up in front of our house! I thought "Now that's service!" Wasn't for us, though.


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