Lucy In Disguise with Diamonds
If you've ever been sure you knew the lyrics to a song only to find out you were totally wrong, you'll want to check out The Archive of Misheard Lyrics. Some are funny, some are just dumb, and I'm fairly sure some are made-up. But this happens to me all the time - I hear something and what I hear isn't anything like what was said or sung.
When I half-hear something, my brain apparently fills in seemingly random sounds until it makes words. For example, I once "heard" an hockey announcer say that the game was saved by a "brave pelican". I figured it must be a hockey expression I wasn't familiar with. So I ask the husband, and the conversation goes -
Me: "What's a brave pelican?"
Husband: "What?"
Me: "Brave pelican, what's a 'brave pelican'? Like the announcer said."
Husband: "What are you talking about? Who said that?"
Thanks to TiVo, we discovered I was talking about Craig Billington, the goalie for the Colorado Avalanche.
My favorite of these was a real Emily Litella moment. Chas was watching ESPN and I was dozing on the couch. In and out of a light sleep, I woke up a little when I heard the announcer say that the Fornicators won a college football game. "FORNICATORS?!? That's terrible. I mean, I thought the Gamecocks was bad. Even if it's true, what kind school uses that for their team name?? What's their mascot?? Eeeeewww!!" I probably would have gone on some more except the Husband interrupted me "FLOR-I-DA GA-TORS. Florida Gators."
Never mind.
At 2:47 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
I can just see that now....
At 9:14 AM,
Movie Guy #2 said…
That's hillarious. My wife does the same thing. She will be singing along to a song on the radio, or on a CD, and will butcher a lyric. I always look at her and say "What"? Then she instanly knows that her words were wrong and says "Never Mind."
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