The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What's in a Name?

I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seats awaiting the announcement of what Britney Spears named her new baby. Of course by now you've heard, it's Sutton. This caused me to rush off to see if Sutton is an actual name or something she made up (like Jailynn, which was reportedly her "girl name"). It is indeed a name, but along the way I found a bulletin board where people help each other come up with names for their kids. Now, look, I'm all for using less common names, names that mean something to you and all. But people, your child is going to have to be called whatever it is you name him for the rest of his life (or at least to age 18) so let's try to give your child a real, honest to goodness name. Not a random selection of letters you pulled out of a Scrabble box, not something you made up because you like the sound. No one wants to spend the rest of his life spelling his name and then saying "no, it doesn't mean anything, it's just some sounds my mom liked." Here are some of the things pregnant women on this board were actually considering: October (what will you call her, Ocky?) Hutch (that's a piece of furniture) Swink Loomis Broden Montag (This is German for Monday) Espen Kairick Merrick Manuka Bryntyr Tryggvi Calla (And calling her "Lily" as a nickname - I couldn't make this up) Digby Tristram Jock (JOCK????? Because he'll never be called "Dumb Jock" or "Strap" right??) Shepherd (I can't even begin to list the things wrong with that) One woman had already given her child a hyphenated middle name, which, just to be polite, I won't actually use here, but it was basically two little old lady names hyphenated together, like Edith-Meredith. One was trying to make a pronounce-able word out of her and her husband's first names combined. I apologize if any of these are your name and you love it. Feel free to comment and tell me what a jerk I am to suggest that Bryntyr is not a perfectly charming name for a little boy (?) and I humbly apologize to my friend who named her daughter Eleanora - clearly, when I suggested that was not a great name, I had no idea how much worse it could have been ;-)


  • At 10:42 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I wouldn't do that to the child. Have I told you what I want to name my children?

    Maxwell Vicent (our maternal grandfather's names)
    Hannah Lily (Hannah is Loki's biological mother's Jewish name and Lily is my favorite name)

    I had a second boy and girl names, but I can't remember them. Oh,well.

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I admit my daughter has a hyphenated last name, but a perfectly normal first and middle name.

    How's this? Avery James and Fletcher Bradley. Tell me which one is the girl.

  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: I love those names. We've considered Maxwell, also. I love Maximillian, but the Husband does not, so that's probably out. Hannah is very pretty and I love names that honor loved ones.

    EDW: Hyphenated last names are fine - there's sense in that. Of course, when she marries her hyphenated-last-named husband, will their kids have FOUR last names? "Hi, I'm John Smith-Miller-Jones-Black"

    I'm guessing Avery is the boy?

  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    I guess I take the complete opposite tack. Go to your local Wal-Mart. Find the rack that has the personalized pens, stationery pads, and so forth. THESE are your choices of names. Do not deviate!

    OK, I do have some exceptions. Nearly anything that sounds like it comes from Ireland or the UK is probably pretty cool with me, i.e., Connor, Trevor, Moira, and so forth. (My son's name is Ryan Patrick... big shock, huh?)

    But I am VERY MUCH AGAINST: (1) made-up names, (2) using last names as first names, (3) giving girls names normally associated with boys and vice versa, and (4) using an ethnic name when your baby is NOT of that ethnicity.

    Honestly, though, I will probably never again be in the position to name a child, so all you lovers of weird names, you're in luck, LOL.

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Vincent and Lily are the middle names of course - I don't have a middle name per say and that's why I want my kids to have a real middle name and not just my maiden name as their middle name.

  • At 6:36 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Nope, Avery James is the GIRL. Fletcher Bradley is the boy. Weird, no?

    I figure when she gets married, she'll figure it out. More fun that way, right? Maybe she'll be super-traditional, maybe she won't - she can keep her name or take her husband's, or do what they do in Spain and (the rich in) England, where they traditionally have two surnames (last names) - keep the mom's and take the spouse's father's.

    So if he's Smith-Jones and she's Black-Miller, they would both be Black-Jones. Or maybe she'll marry royality and get to be something even more confusing! :-)

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: I went to college with a guy who didn't have a middle name and always wanted one. At the time I knew him, he was obsessed with finding the "right" middle name for himself and then planned to legally change his name to add it.

    EDW: Or maybe your daughter will go the other route and drop last names completely. She'll just be Emily. You know, THE Emily. . .

    Jim: That's one more reason to love the Germans - they have a list of names you're allowed to name your baby. If you want to name your baby something not on the list, you have to prove that it's an actual name.


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