The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jami is Sick of Being Sick

I have had a cold...since September. Not the same cold. I get a cold, I get better, a day or two goes by and BAM - sick again. I don't think it's allergies or the same cold coming back because it's been different. Sometimes it's a headcold. I've had a few rounds of nothing but congestion. Now, my throat is hurting. I'd even think it was psychosamatic if I had anything to gain from it. And, with my awesome imagination, I'd get myself some way cooler fake illness. I'd have my tonsils out if I thought it would help. Heck, I'd have my appendix and gall bladder out if I thought it would help. It's never been bad enough that I'm unable to do the bazillion things I need to do, so I just get more and more behind and when I feel well enough to start to catch up, I get sick again. I feel bad complaining about it, too, because 1. it's not like a serious illness and 2. I'd sound like a broken record. "Hi, how are you? Oh, sick again (eye roll), well, get better soon". People have had it worse than a continuous string of minor ailments. Anyway, I am about 3 nose blows away from going to the airport and getting on the next plane going anywhere warm, because I'm pretty sure that being frozen and having cold and/or wet feet is not helping. Sigh. Time to take the alka-seltzer, at least they make a couple of yummy flavors.

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  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Gosh, are you taking care of yourself? With kidlets in sizes of small & very-small, I can imagine that you are run ragged on a regular basis.

    I hate to nag, but please remember to ALSO take care of YOURSELF... eat at least some foods that are good for you, and drink LOTS of liquids (preferrably water).

    And even though you may WANT to be Super-Mom, don't be afraid to ask your hubby for help (I understand that he is employed outside the home, but YOU are the one who makes the entire household function, so it's also in his best interest to see to your health).

    I only nag because I care. Really.

  • At 7:56 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Thanks, Jim. I am trying but I think it's the lack of sleep that is making me so susceptable. And right now there isn't too much I can do about that. Until someone invents a safe and legal Children's Ambien


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