The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Jami, Back in 2011

Well, it's been since October since I posted. So how are you? Uh hunh, uh hunh.. really? Oh that's great... anyway... I have written several awesome blog posts in my head at night waiting for Finn to stop nursing and go back to sleep. Somehow, this little monster manages to outlast me and I end up falling asleep with him still attached, to wake up hours later in an awkward neck-or-back-breaking position and attempt to get him back to the crib so I can sleep for a bit before starting the dance again. The good news is that the last few nights, he's slept 5-6 hours for the first shift, an answer to prayer! He's still not really eating food, but for now, the sleeping is blessing enough. Eddie is ruling his 5T class. He is much sought-after for playdates and to make appearances at birthday parties, which is all too much pressure for me. I don't want him to be unpopular, of course, but the responsibility of raising a nice and popular kid - it's daunting. I can't be too surprised, however. Let's face it - he's hilarious, smart and generally a good kid. The teacher tells me that he makes other children take their proper turns and share. So either he's a nice guy or wants to be a cop. I hate cold, snow, ice - basically January through mid-March around these parts. Sigh. Last year we had frozen hell, how about a nice early spring? Like starting next week? Patrick makes an excellent point here, which I have mentioned to a few friends in the past, but not blogged about. Lead the charge, Patrick and I'll back you :D I loved Temple Grandin, the A-Team and the book Matched. Watch the first two and read the third. Thank me later. Been to a few births, including one on Thanksgiving day (though made it home for dinner!) and one last week. Beautiful, healthy babies - lovely new families. I have a great job. So now we're all caught up. I'll be back tomorrow for more discussion.

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  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…


    (BTW, my word verification word is "mudfa"... sounds vaguely like a slurred curse word, huh?)

  • At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Erica said…

    Awesome! I'm glad you are blogging again, Jami!


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