The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Jami and the Day the Cabinets Fell

The whole family was sitting on the couch when we heard a bangity-bang-bang noise from the kitchen. The Husband and I jumped up and ran in to find two of the kitchen cabinets on the floor, spilling their kitchen-y guts on the floor. The bangity part was the middle cabinet falling off of the wall, and the bang-bang was it pulling the right cabinet along with it, which also bounced off the counter on the way down. My first words: "Oh no! My iPod!" because it had been in its speaker dock on the counter. But it's totally fine. In fact, almost everything is totally fine. Besides the holes in the wall and the cabinets sitting on the kitchen floor, after the clean up, the casualty list is shockingly short: the lid on the corn syrup bottle cracked. 1 fake tupperware lid broke. Some baking soda spilled. Our stove-top corn popper has a smallish dent and the really old filthy thing that the Husband made years ago to marinade meat "properly" (don't ask) is destroyed. And that's it. As I cleaned it up, I realized that the middle cabinet (the one that fell) had been bolted to the one on the right. The middle one had empty tupperware in it. The one on the right, all the baking stuff (baking soda, vanilla, sprinkles, brown sugar). Had it been bolted to the other side - that one has all heavy glass mugs and then wine and water goblets. This might be enough to convince some people that God was watching out for us today, but let me lay the rest on you: - I cooked lunch an hour earlier today, because I hadn't had time to eat breakfast and I was starving. Normally, I would have been standing in front of that cabinet when it fell. - The Husband wasn't working today, so I would have been home alone with the kids. - When I'm cooking, Finn likes to play on the floor next to me, where the heavier cabinet ended up. - Because I wasn't cooking, the burners were all off, and the middle cabinet which was right above it, didn't drop its contents onto a lit stove. - Since we'd eaten early and already finished clean up, the dishwasher was moved off to the side where it hooks in to run, or it would have been in the path of the cabinet. SO - on a normal Friday afternoon, Finn and I would have been in the kitchen cooking when the cabinet fell. The bigger one would have hit him, and the smaller one would have come across the burners and hit me, knocking me into the dishwasher. Eddie might or might not have been in the kitchen and no other adults would have been home. You might say it's a whole lot of lucky coincidences, but I don't put much stock in either luck or coincidence. On the upside, I hadn't cleaned out the baking cabinet in quite sometime because of its awkward position, and it was way easier to sort the contents out sitting on the floor. Both of the tops of them got the best cleaning ever, since even on the step stool I can't see the tops. And my iPod and the speakers are fine. Don't know why the cabinets fell (the Husband's dad is coming over and the menfolk can inspect it and deal with that), but I know Who was watching over us when they did.

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  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Oh my goodness! I am so glad that you & your family are safe!!!

    (And I agree, as to reason why.)

  • At 6:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Just to play Devil's Advocate, why couldn't God just hold the cabinet up all the time and not let it fall at all? Just sayin'.



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