The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jami and the Undesirable Travel Destinations

Many people have a so-called "bucket list" and/or a list of places they want to be sure to visit during their lifetime. I could write about the exotic locales I dream of exploring, but I thought I'd go the other way today and give you, my beloved reader(s), the Places I Can Die Without Seeing: 10. Idaho - I'm sure it's got many fine and interesting sites. Probably some nice scenery or attractions and good diners. Maybe a few good places to fish and some nice campgrounds. I understand they make the best potatoes. I don't have anything in particular against Idaho, I just don't have a burning desire to spend time there. 9. The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets - Sure, I'd like to visit India. But, I think if I'm in New Delhi, I am going to give this particular attraction a miss. Besides the fact that there is an online tour (coming soon!), I think that I would spend most of my visit wondering what would inspire someone to begin such a museum and who has to clean all the toilets. So I'll skip this one. 8. Euro Disney - enough said. 7. Untamed Jungle Wilderness (anywhere)- I'm not a big nature girl and I definitely don't want to go anywhere that doesn't have roads and hotels. I don't ever need to machete my way through anywhere or discover a new and exciting species of bug. 6. Bosnia - When I think of visiting Europe, I think of countries with rich and interesting history, beautiful buildings, delicious food. I am not sure what Bosnian cuisine entails, but I think I can give it a miss. Maybe the war is settled down, but I don't feel like I need to be there to verify. Didn't really have much desire to visit it when it was Yugoslavia, and have less desire now. 5. Nigeria - I am sure there are many lovely and interesting parts of Africa, but this is one I think I can miss. It seems to be mostly people with unfortunate souls who have had rich and powerful relatives pass away leaving large sums of money that have to be secreted out of the country. How would I know if the Wallet Inspector asking to see my purse was the real Wallet Inspector? Pass. 4. Death Valley - Honestly, I'd have to say that anywhere that has "Death" in the name is probably a good place to avoid. And while I hate being cold, I think I could miss out on a giant overheated sandbox. Speaking of which..... 3. Tehran - right in the middle of another giant overheated sandbox, but this one is filled with unrest and heavy armed people. They don't care much for Americans, especially not American Christian women who don't wear veils and speak their minds. 2. Mt. Everest - people die on this mountain for no good reason, because there is no good reason to be on this mountain. Those weirdos who all but kill themselves "because it's there" need to reevaluate their priorities. Yes, I know there are Sherpas who run up it for fun before breakfast, but I'm not one, and neither are you. And when you get stuck halfway down and your eyeballs are freezing in the sockets (I read an account of someone who actually lived that) someone else has to risk their life to save yours. Idiot. 1. Antarctica - there is absolutely no draw here for me at all. Even if man had not yet set foot on this continent, I wouldn't be interested in being first. I don't care about whatever scientific whatnots are going on down there or how adorable penguins are. It's a giant block of ice, and the warmest it gets is still ridiculously cold. Pretty much the only thing that could ever make me change my mind about a visit would be extreme global warming that melts the whole thing and reveals a fantastic beach, which seems less than likely. So, sorry, Antarctica, but we shall never meet.

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  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Come on, how can you pass up 'Adventures In Living' in Idaho?

    Also, is Euro Disney still open?

  • At 2:54 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Agree on all but Antartica, that is on my list of 3 continents I've not been to yet (the others being South America and Australia). I want to be able to say I've been to every continent on Earth, because I don't personally know anyone who has.

    BTW, I was in Idaho when I was 11, don't remember anything about it. Not sure what that means...

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    @Patrick - hmm, yes, that is convincing. Oh wait, no. It isn't. :D No idea about Euro Disney. Either way, not going.

    Jim - still not a good enough reason for me to go to Antarctica, but you can tell me all about it when you get back. And I think your comment on Idaho proves my point about that one.


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