The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jami and the Dad and Donut Day Flyer

Eddie's preschool has "Donut with Dad" day coming up soon. The school asks dads to bring the kids to drop off and spend 20 minutes having a doughnut and cup of juice in the classroom with their child. They take a picture (last year it was made into a magnet) and I guess, show off their class work or something. The flyer says that if Dad can't make it, send Mom or another friend or relative. Which makes sense, some kids may not have dads around and some dads may just not be able to make it on a weekday morning. But the saddest line is the last one on the page: "If no one can attend with your child, please let us know ahead of time." Okay, if there is no one in your family or friends group who can take 1/2 hour out of their day (with more than 2 weeks notice) to spend with your child, then you need to seriously re-evaluate your life. I am not joking or being snide; I am too serious about that to even make a clever simile. If you know me, you probably already know my stance on child-rearing, but to sum up: if you have children - raise them. You don't have to never leave your child's sight, I make liberal use of family members who love my kids. They help with babysitting or drop-off/pick-up and what have you. So I'm not suggesting that you risk getting fired to have a quick doughnut with the munchkins, but no one?? Not a family member, friend, neighbor, nanny or anything?? The fact that it's on the flyer means that it must have happened. Wow, that must make your child feel super-loved and important. "Sorry honey, I know that every other child in your class will have a visitor in class, but I'm sur the teacher can dig up a stranger to be your friend." Who the heck is dropping your kid off? I am not a perfect parent. I'm not an expert. I just can't concieve of a preschooler finding out that there is no one in this world for whom he is a priority. Heartbreaking.



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