The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jami and Advancing Appliances

My friend was telling me about her washer/dryer combo which communicates. I guess basically, the washer tells the dryer what type of laundry (delicates, darks, etc.) and I don't know, how wet they are? and the dryer knows how to dry them the most efficiently. I don't like it. I don't want my appliances talking behind my back. It's like the smart fridge - you know it's just a matter of time before it starts getting all snide ("Hey, might want to lay off the Velveeta, there, Tubbo") and I can't deal with that. I like my appliances to be helpful but dumb, like a dog, not smart but possibly mean, like a cat. A fridge that knows what I'm eating, the Japanese toilets that know waaaayy to much about your "leavings", shower heads that know what each person in the family prefers temperature and pressure-wise depending on time of day (yep, they have that), these are the things that are starting us down the path to destruction. First, we become so dependent on the machines that when the power goes out we can't even wash ourselves and then two, the machines know so much about us that they can kill or control us without much effort: "You want your Velveeta, Fatty? Upgrade my hard drive or you're getting nothing but asparagus." How long would I be able to hold out? Measure it in hours, baby, not even days. And when they communicate? The microwave tells the fridge that I didn't take its advice and nuked up some burritos instead? The phone tells all the kitchen appliances that we ordered pizza (again!); before you know it, we've got a riot on our hands. Then the washing machine tells them about the things we put in there? Nope, this isn't going to go well. So, as we purchase items to "make our lives easier", let's just remember that a nice carving knife is good, an electric knife that detects type of meat and done-ness is just one mobile knife-stand away from dismembering you in your sleep when the robots take over.

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  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Next step: Terminator. Very scary, indeed.

    (BTW, it's not often you get your own name embedded within your Word Verification word, but mine was "jimeshen". Again, these machines are getting WAYYY too smart. And I'm still trying to figure out what "eshen" means.)


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